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Easy strategies - Over/Under LDP7 for beginners - VFXALLTOOL

Before proceeding into our discussion, namely, Easy Strategy - Over / Under LDP7 For Beginners.

Should we know first what is? is a popular Forex Agent as well as a Binary Alternative Agent for global financing. Since 2000 the industry has found a track record in online trading.

On the website, you can clearly see the origin of a very extraordinary group. The industry develops globally and accumulates conflicting certificates for financial trade to serve consumers from all countries. Their program was patented in the United States for the pioneer of Binary Options trading.

Hopefully, with the brief explanation above about, you can understand it, before making an investment in this broker. But for those of you who already have an account and want to make trades, and are still confused about which strategy to use. Here I will share a strategy that is easy for you, the strategy that I will share is the over / under LDP7 strategy with a duration of 1 tick.

First, please open your account.

Your next step is to choose synthetic indices volatility 10 or 100 because I usually use this strategy in the volatility. Then you choose the Over /Under digit trade, change the duration of the trade to 1 tick, and weld the prediction digit to 7. For more details, take a look at the picture below:

In this trade, we only focus on the under-digit purchase with a return profit of 40%. Why are we just pokus doing under digits? Because in this case allows us in profit will be more open, and the risk of loss we can say will be reduced. Indeed, if we buy the digit Over return profit we reach 376.2% but the risk of losing us is very high in this case.
tick sport

How to analyze strategy Over / Under LDP7 duration 1 tick

Pay attention to the numbers running next to the Over/Under digit trading options, for more details like the image I've given the arrow. We analyze the numbers that come out in an hr, if we look at the picture above the final number that comes out is the number 5. We take it or we count the big numbers. the exit, starting from the numbers 6, 7,8, and 9. But it would be better to take it from the number 7.

Try if you write starting from the new minute, then we wait for the big numbers that come out at least 3 times in a row. For example (8,9,7) (9,9,7) (8,6,7) the point is that large numbers come out 3 times in sequence when more than 3 times out in sequence. That would be great, and the win rate would be greater than the loss. If out the big numbers as I mentioned above, then that's our moment to make a purchase.

What if there is a loss?

I'm very happy if some of you ask or think like that because a wise trader will not always
Think about the benefits. So I hope you are a wise person in using any strategy because no strategy will 100% continue to profit.

If there is a loss in using this strategy, do a maximum of 3-4 times, if more than that please stop the first trade that day. Then you can continue it tomorrow or the next session, do not force yourself too much to continue trading before the market is in your market. Try to quasi-yourself or your psychology before the market that is lecturing you.

Congratulations on this simple strategy !!!

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